AfterLoss Subscription Program
Today’s families want to feel truly cared for and you may think your firm must spend a lot of money establishing a grief support program. But, the AfterLoss app makes it truly affordable for you to gift your families with a subscription to the AfterLoss Program. Simply add a family’s contact information and hit “subscribe”. Every month, they will receive an 8-page help-letter to gently guide them, step-by-step, through the grieving process toward recovery.
Once this is activated in your system, here is how to use the AfterLoss Subscription Program.
Stationery Printing
FrontRunner has worked with W.L. Smith to leverage your single data entry solution to work seamlessly with the stationery offerings. Save time and money by utilizing the software to customize and print beautiful memorial products.
Once this is activated in your system, here is how to print and build your stationery.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.